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~~We Grow to Provide~~

Spy Pen 2GB

How this amazing gadget made life easier when you finds it difficult to follow IMPORTANT lectures and projects presentations after a hectic day.

It is unbelievable, but true. Its a pen that records all the object in front of you. This amazing pen shape video camera is the latest and most user friendly, simplest and smallest in the world.

This camera offers full of benefit to different segments of people
* Detective Agencies
* Media and Journalists
* Benefits for Business Men
* Benefit for police, tax officials
* Benefit of students and teachers
* Lawyers
* Patients and their attendants
* Contractor
* Doctors
* Ladies and Daughters in laws
* Employees and Excutives
* NGOs

Spy Pen 2GB
( Video Recorder only )

Specifications :
Improved Colour CMOS Censor
White Balance Adjust
Focus range : 150mm
Internal Flash memory : 4GB
Format : AVI
Frame Rate : 15fps
Capture Resolution : 352 x 288
Audio format : 128kbps PCM Audio
Power Source : USB Charging - Internal Battery
Built in Microphone : Max audio range 10 meters
Dimension : 148mm ( L ) x 16mm ( diameter )

Other features :
Universal Replaceable Ink
Easy USB Charging / Transfer
Rubber Finger Grip